How do you work?
An architect friend of mine says “Good design doesn’t just happen”. It is very true. Good design doesn’t just happen. It is planned for and thoroughly thought out. We believe that each and every successful project begins with a fundamentally solid basis in exceptional planning. In the end, a comprehensively, well thought-out plan will always yield a more successful outcome. We start each project with the Master Planning process, which looks at the area under consideration, as a whole that encompasses all of the design considerations, programmatic elements, design tastes, client lifestyle and aspirations. This process will yield an overall design direction which can then be further refined, phased, budgeted and then ultimately implemented.
What if I don’t want a Master Plan?
The master plan is intended to be a planning tool which helps to guide a project and phase the implementation in a logical and orderly fashion to conserve resources and make the most out of the project budget. The master plan can be for an entire property or a portion of a property. The area under consideration needs to have logical boundaries where the planning effort can start and stop, without adversely affecting other areas of the property. So the Master Plan may only be for the portion of the property you are considering, but it will need to address the connections to other areas of the property. If a potential client is really adamant about not doing any planning up front, then their expectations and priorities may be out of alignment with ours and they are probably not our ideal client.